Why is Asthma Worse at Night?

Why is Asthma Worse at Night?
Admin Published : Jun 16, 2023 Last Updated : Jan 25, 2024

Do you have asthma? If yes, then you might have noticed that your symptoms usually get worse during nighttime.

Don’t worry because 60% of asthma patients suffer from the symptoms at night only.

Wheezing, shortness of breath, and other asthma symptoms are linked to a disease called nocturnal asthma.

You will learn about a number of ways to manage your nighttime asthma in this blog.

What do you understand by nocturnal asthma?

Chest tightness, night-time coughing, and wheezing are the main signs of nocturnal asthma.

Even trying to fall asleep might become difficult due to all these sensations. As a result, your all functions during the day are affected.

Your entire quality of life can be impacted by nocturnal asthma which can also make it difficult to manage your asthma symptoms during the day.

Remember nocturnal asthma can be very serious due to which proper asthma diagnosis and effective asthma treatment are vital.

What are the night-time asthma triggers and causes?

There are various factors that can make it more likely for you to develop night-time asthma.

Here are some main causes and triggers of nocturnal asthma:

Sleeping position

When you sleep, lying on your side or front can restrict your airways and exacerbate the signs of nocturnal asthma.

Simply lying flat on your back can trigger a night-time cough by permitting nasal mucus to dribble into the back of your throat.

Exposure to allergens in the evening

When you are exposed to allergens like pollen and pet hair in the evening, it causes a delayed response.

You might also start experiencing airway obstruction hours later, increasing the risk of experiencing an asthma attack at night. 

Breathing in cold air

A cool room might be better for your sleep but night-time asthma can get worse in an air-conditioned room or in the winter season.

This can happen because cold air is dry and loss of moisture and heat in the airways is responsible for triggering an asthma attack.

Hormonal changes

While sleeping, your body goes through different hormonal changes which can worsen your asthma condition.

Sometimes, decreased levels of cortisol during sleep can also lead to airway obstruction.

Badly controlled day-time asthma

During the daytime, if you fail to follow your asthma treatment plan, it can put you at high risk.

In this condition, you can experience night-time asthma attacks and suffer from serious problems.

Contact with allergens at night

The presence of house dust mites in your mattress, pet dander, and dust particles in your bedroom can affect your airways.

As a result, your chance of experiencing nocturnal asthma increases.

Changes in your lung function

Certain natural processes in your body while sleeping can make you suffer from nocturnal asthma.

It is important to understand that your lung function naturally becomes low at night.

As muscles relax while sleeping, the upper airway narrows and causes increased resistance in the lungs.

This means you are prone to suffer from breathing difficulties and coughing during the night.

Can you treat nocturnal asthma?

Though there is no cure for nocturnal asthma its symptoms can be controlled, helping you to live a healthy life.

Some of the daily asthma medicines include inhaled steroids that can further decrease the inflammation caused by an asthma attack.

To prevent nocturnal asthma symptoms, the doctor can also recommend a long-acting asthma inhaler with a bronchodilator.

In case, you suffer from GERD and asthma, ask the doctor about medicines that will decrease acid production in your stomach.

Avoiding potential allergy triggers like dust mites and animal dander can prevent allergies and nocturnal asthma attacks.

How you can prevent night-time asthma?

As there is no cure for asthma but there are several ways that can help you to prevent night-time asthma.

Here are some ways to prevent your night-time asthma:

Make your bedroom environment clean and free from allergens

If you suffer from asthma, do not allow pets in the bedroom, and wash bedsheets at a hot temperature.

This will aid in removing house dust mites and airing your entire bedroom properly.

Keep your water bottle alongside the bed

When your asthma symptoms begin to start, immediately sip some water. In this way, moisture will relieve your airways and give relief from night-time cough.

Regulate the temperature of your bedroom at night

Make sure windows are closed, invest in an air purifier for better quality air in the bedroom, and avoid air conditioning.

When do you need to meet the doctor?

If you wake up at night and experience difficulty in breathing then immediately consult the doctor.

Never ignore the symptoms of asthma because the doctor can recommend you effective treatments for nocturnal asthma.