Can type 2 diabetes be reversed

Can type 2 diabetes be reversed
Admin Published : Aug 28, 2023 Last Updated : Jan 25, 2024

Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition in which your blood sugar/glucose level rises to a very high level.

No, type 2 diabetes cannot be reversed or cured in most cases but sometimes it can be done with a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. But there is no guarantee that diabetes will ever happen again in the future.

How do you reverse type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes can be cured by changing lifestyle and losing weight. Not everyone has to lose the same amount of weight, so you should always consult your doctor for that. According to some research, losing 5% of your weight can help you to cure diabetes.

Here are some significant lifestyle changes that can help you in this journey

Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet, which focuses on whole food, fruits, and vegetables, can help you to stay healthy and lose weight.

Physical Activity

Physical activity should be a part of your routine. You can choose any physical activity like swimming, walking, cycling, etc., according to your taste.

Controlling blood sugar level

Controlling blood sugar levels is our main motive. It is the main reason behind losing weight. We should try to control it and monitor it through regular testing, so we can examine our progress report at the end of the month.

Reducing Stress Level

We should also reduce our stress levels to control blood glucose levels. We can try different things like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, etc.

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

We have to quit smoking and limit our alcohol consumption, otherwise, it’s quite tough to reverse diabetes.

Sufficient Sleep

We should get a sufficient amount of sleep and always prioritize our rest in this journey. We should get at least 6-8 hours of sleep.


The main causes of type 2 diabetes are:

  • Obesity or overweight
  • Lack of exercise
  • Genetical mutation
  • Hormonal diseases
  • Unhealthy diet


The most common symptoms that are seen in type 2 diabetic patients are:

  • Excessive thirst and hunger
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue and feeling low
  • Slow healing process
  • Blurred vision
  • Numbness in hands and feet

Why is it about losing weight?

The key factor in diabetes type 2 is insulin resistance. The fat around your liver and pancreas causes resistance for insulin. So, losing that fat is really important. Losing weight not only improves insulin sensitivity but also control blood sugar level. And it also reduces the risk of other health problems like obesity, rise in cholesterol level, high blood pressure, etc.

Common Problems and Issues

People face different kinds of problems in this journey because they have to change their lifestyles and stick to a routine. The most common issues faced by the people are as follows:

  • Difficulty in controlling blood sugar level
  • Challenges in adopting a completely different lifestyle
  • Taking medicines daily that are prescribed by your doctor
  • Eating healthy food and doing exercise daily

What is Prediabetes?

It is a medical condition in which your blood sugar level is higher than normal, it is not be labeled as type 2 diabetes because it is not that high.

If the insulin resistance keeps on increasing and the blood sugar level goes higher and higher, then prediabetes now called type 2 diabetes, and the patient has to follow different things to control glucose level.

Recommended Products/Tools/Apps:

There are a few products and resources you should consider along with your medications. They can help you in this diabetes reversal process. Here are these:

  • Blood sugar monitors
  • Diet planning resources
  • Exercise equipment
  • Diabetes management apps

The above resources can make your way easy and help you a lot.

Medications and Check-ups

The patients always consult their doctor for better recovery. Doctors prescribe different medicines and patients have to go for regular check-ups and sugar level tests so their progress can be seen. Patients usually visit every 3 months for a proper check-up, but when type 2 diabetes is cured, they visit a doctor every six months. However, blood sugar level monitoring is usually done daily with a device because it is important that your glucose level is within normal range.

According to researchers, people suffering from this disease are more likely to have anxiety and stress than normal people. Sometimes, they might become a victim of severe depression. That’s why, doctors recommend these patients to go for therapy along with medicines and do meditation daily. So, their mental health can also be improved.


The patients, who cannot lose much weight with changing lifestyle and diet, are advised to go for surgery to remove that extra fat which will lessen the insulin resistance and help them to recover quickly. It is called weight loss or bariatric surgery. It is one of the best ways of losing weight.