Can Diabetic Neuropathy Be Reversed?

Can Diabetic Neuropathy Be Reversed?
Published : Mar 14, 2024
Last Updated : Mar 14, 2024

Diabetes often leads to one most common complications called nerve damage. Neuropathy may be experienced in the legs, arms, toes, and feet. But this problem comes and goes away automatically with the severity of the condition.

There are medications available that maintain the levels of blood sugar in the body. But do you think diabetic neuropathy can be reversed? To know the answer to this question, you are on the right page. Stick till the end to know all about it.

What is diabetic neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a condition in which nerve cells are damaged. Similarly, diabetic neuropathy is a condition where nerve cells are damaged due to diabetes. Neuropathy is caused due to the high blood sugar levels in the body. More than 70% of patients suffer from this problem.

Types of neuropathies

There exist different types of neuropathies. Some of the most common are:


Nerves suddenly lose their functioning which causes weakness and pain in the muscles.


The weakness and pain are mostly caused in the upper legs including thighs, buttocks, and hips.


The numbness and pain are mostly caused in the arms, legs, toes, hands, and feet.


The autonomic nervous system's nerves are damaged. This nervous system is responsible for urinary and digestive function, sexual response, and more.

How to manage diabetic neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that cannot be reversed or treated. This is so because the damaged nerve cells cannot be repaired by the body. Still, the investigation process is on for finding treatments to cure damaged nerve cells.

Although you cannot reverse the damage it can be managed. Here are the things you need to perform to manage the condition.

  • Maintaining blood sugar levels.
  • Regular checkups of feet to ensure they don't have any injury or infections.
  • Treating nerve pain as soon you feel any.

How to manage blood sugar levels?

Managing the body's blood sugar level is quite important. It prevents nerve cells from getting damaged. Hence, it overall prevents diabetic neuropathy. Blood sugar levels can be managed by the methods listed below.

  • Consume high-fiber foods.
  • Perform exercise daily for a minimum of 30 minutes each day.
  • Avoid consuming high-sugar foods such as sweets, soda, coffee, drinks, candy and more.
  • Take medicines or insulin to control blood sugar levels.
  • Eat lean proteins such as turkey, chicken, and many more.
  • Prefer eating plant-based proteins and vegetables that include beans.
  • Keep a proper record of your sugar level and consult a doctor every time.

Medications for treating diabetic neuropathy

Although diabetic neuropathy can't be reversed, there are medications available to treat its pain. They are:

  • Duloxetine
  • Pregabalin
  • Amitriptyline
  • Gabapentin
  • Venlafaxine
  • Capsaicin

However, it is always recommended to use any of them after getting advice from an expert physician. They will prescribe you what's best for you depending on your condition.

Complications for diabetic neuropathy

Nerves play a vital role in the proper functioning of a body. As a result, diabetic neuropathy may cause several complications that are mentioned below.

Sexual dysfunction

In patients who suffer from autonomic neuropathy, the sexual organs' nerves can also be damaged. Hence, this can cause erectile dysfunction problems in men. Other than this, it reduces the sexual arousal.

In the cases of females, it causes vaginal lubrication problems. Hence, we can say, that diabetic neuropathy may cause stimulation impairment in both men and women.

Urinary problems

The bladder and urinary system are managed by nerves in the body. Diabetic neuropathy damages the nerve cells which indirectly affect the urinary system. Hence, the urinary system loses its ability to recognize when the bladder is full. Also, it loses urination control.

Digestive problems

The damaged nerves because of diabetic neuropathy also affect the digestive system. Hence it may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and more. The effect on the digestive system even affects the movement of food in the stomach and intestines.

This causes poor health and nutrition intake in a body with time. As a result, a situation arises when blood sugar levels are unmanageable.

Joint damages

The nerve damage caused in the legs leads to the Charcot joint. As a result, it causes swelling, instability of joints, numbness, and more.

Infections in feet and legs

The neuropathy most often affects the nerves in feet and legs. Hence, this makes you lose the sensation of your feet and legs. Sensations are not felt in the body and you cannot experience if there are any cuts or sores.

The unnoticed cuts for a long may cause infection in the feet. In rare cases, these infections may take the shape of ulcers. As a result, the ulcers become untreatable and you lose your feet.

Sweating problems

The sweat gland function is managed by the nerve cells. Hence, when damage is caused in the sweat gland, it affects the sweat gland functioning. The effect may cause reduced sweating or excess sweating.

The reduced sweating is called anhidrosis and the excess sweating is called hyperhidrosis. The effect on sweat glands un-regulates the body temperature.

Other causes of neuropathy

Diabetes is not only a reason for neuropathy. There exist several other reasons why you might face this condition. Some of the most possible reasons are:

  • Side effects caused by different medicines you intake including chemotherapy.
  • When excess pressure is applied to nerves called Trauma.
  • If you consume alcohol in excess amounts.
  • Because of autoimmune diseases and infections.
  • Due to tumors.
  • Lack or excess amount of Vitamin E and Vitamin B.
  • When you are exposed to toxins.

Final words

We conclude here by saying that diabetic neuropathy is a common condition found in patients with diabetes. The condition cannot be reversed which is clear from the above discussion. But you must manage it through the ways mentioned above.

If you have diabetes, consult a doctor and get it monitored at regular intervals. Ensure that you visit a healthcare expert in proper duration and get your feet and legs checked. Doctors may ensure that you don't suffer from any cuts or injuries.